Monday, February 7, 2011

Acai Berry For Diabetes & Diet - Top Health Benefits of These Berries to Lower Blood Sugar Level

In order to understand how acai berry helps diabetes & lower blood sugar level, both types I and II, the nature of the disease should be understood first. In a nutshell, diabetes roots from degeneration of the cell membranes. Because of the weakened and brittle membranes, the ability of the cells to allow the transport of nutrients necessary to their vitality is decreased. The body then is triggered to produce more insulin to break through the tough membrane. This increased production in insulin leads to glucose build-up in the bloodstream as well as higher resistance to insulin.

It should be remembered that acai berry has high antioxidant content, specifically anthocyanin. This type of antioxidant effectively reinforces the cell membrane of any type of cell leading to stronger and pliable membrane. It also leads to detoxification of the cells that could prevent any unwanted surges of insulin in the bloodstream and insulin resistance.By way of reducing resistance to insulin, unnecessary amounts of glucose in the blood will also be controlled. The appropriate mount of glucose will then permeate through the cells needing it. In effect, complications that results from diabetes such as eye problems, brain problems, ulcers that develop in the skin, immune system dysfunction as well as hormonal imbalances may be prevented.

While it is true that most fruits may not be consumed by diabetics due to their high sugar content, acai berry is among the few that are recommended to be taken as part of regular diet. This is not only because the fruit has been proven to have a lot of health benefits but also because it is diabetic friendly, so to speak. It has anthocyanin which is crucial in repairing damaged cell membranes, fiber which can mitigate unnecessary amounts of sugar in food ingested, a long list of nutrients and it has low glycemic index. This variety of nutritional profile allows acai berry in helping diabetes & to lower blood sugar levels.

How the Acai Berry Can Aid Weight Loss

The berry’s high fiber content can help promote weight loss in a number of ways. It helps the digestive system flush out harmful toxins and other unwanted waste from the body. A number of foods contain fatty deposits that fiber will bind with in order to expel the fat from the body. This process reduces the likelihood of the body actually absorbing and holding on to such fatty deposits.

Foods high in fiber can also help keep cravings at bay because fiber naturally suppresses the appetite. Following a fiber-rich, low-calorie meal, the stomach will feel full for longer even though fewer calories have been consumed. Over-eating and bingeing are major factors in weight gain and therefore learning to curb your appetite is vital to weight loss.

To lose weight, a person needs to participate in some type of physical activity and antioxidants contained in the acai berry will help increase energy levels. Exercise promotes peaceful sleep and improves the immune system. It can also help combat depression.

It is therefore obvious why so many people are jumping on the acai berry bandwagon. Not only is it an effective and natural way to shed some pounds, but regular consumption of this berry can improve your overall well-being and help make you feel wonderful.

Acai berry for healthy heart

Acai berry provides the human body with numerous different types of health benefits. The most important fact about acai berry is that it can be of great help when it comes to prevention and treatment of various types of heart diseases. It can sometimes even slow down some inevitable medical conditions of the heart.

One of the major causes of heart diseases is the high level of bad cholesterol in the blood. More than 40,000 Americans die each month because of high levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and the coronary heart disease. It is very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle which includes low levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and high levels of good cholesterol in the blood.

The Role of Acai Berry

Acai berry comes into play when a person decides to take better care of the health of the heart. Acai berry contains certain ingredients which are very efficient in decreasing the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, increasing the levels of good cholesterol in the blood, decreasing the blood pressure and promoting antioxidants inside the human body.

It is recommended to include the acai berry into one’s daily diet because it is very beneficial in promoting the overall health of the heart. Acai berry is a remarkable source of calcium as well which means that it is very efficient in preventing osteoporosis and improving the overall skeletal strength. Those who suffer from high blood pressure usually do not intake sufficient amounts of calcium so they should include acai berry into their daily diets.

Acai berry can provide the calcium to who need it, but it does not provide any cholesterol as is the case with milk and all the other numerous types of dairy products. Acai berry can be consumed in its raw form, but it can also be ingested in the form of juice, powders and several other types of supplemental forms.

Acai berry is an excellent source of vitamin E as well. Vitamin E is of great help when it comes to repairing and protecting all the tissues in the human body. Acai berry is very rich in dietary fiber which means that can be very helpful for all those who suffer from digestive problems and colon cancer. It is very efficient in speeding up all the different intestinal process and preventing cancer along with numerous skin and heart conditions.

Other Information on Acai Berry

Acai berry is an excellent source of vitamin E as well. Vitamin E is of great help when it comes to repairing and protecting all the tissues in the human body. Acai berry is very rich in dietary fiber which means that can be very helpful for all those who suffer from digestive problems and colon cancer. It is very efficient in speeding up all the different intestinal process and preventing cancer along with numerous skin and heart conditions.

Acai Berrys For Muscle Gain And Fitness Fans
Written by Ross K Foad

First off can you picture the Amazon rain forests for a second ? ok good , now I would like you to picture the Legendary Amazonian Warriors , they were generally thought of to be tall muscular well built and fit which is actually no surprise when you consider where they were supposed to have hailed from within the Amazon rain forests deep within Brazil they would have had easy access to alot of Acai Berry's from the Acai palm trees that grow on the plains of the area and these people knew and understood the versatility of this unique fruit and the many amazing properties it contains.

I can see the confusion of your face , how on earth would the fact they could choose to eat a great deal of the tiny squishy purple fruits help enable them to reach a peak of physical strength and stamina ? and why would they not have been better off simply tearing into a large cowboy style steak or cracking open a dozen eggs.

Well actually no they would not have been because the Acai Berry's contains an impressive 9 grams of rich organic plant protein for every 100 grams consumed , and although admittedly enough pound for pound this does not match a steaks protein value in number measurement however the actual amount the human body can actually absorb and be used in the muscles from animal protein is actually quite poor compared to an Acai Berry where the body can use a lot more of the actual protein from it and absorb directly into the blood streams and to the muscles meaning you recieve more of the benefits for your muscle building.

The Acai Berry also contains contains glucosamine, which is a building block of cartilage, and Celadrin, which helps cushion joints and support membranes. These both help strengthen the body and help maintain many of the body’s tissues.

Another reason the berry aids strength and muscle repair is the high fiber content of the fruit which means healthy and functional bowel movements which in turn can help eliminate toxic substances and free radicals with in the colon quicker so you are less likely to become ill from these and when the insides of your body are cleaned from waste and gunk the body is not as stressed and can be allowed to concentrate on doing what you want it to do ,namely the building and repairing of the muscles.

Another reason why the Acai berry should be included as part of your gym kit bag arsenal ( do not literally throw them into your bag unprotected or you are going to have some rather sticky t shirts ) is they can provide an excellent energy boost to fuel you for your exercising due to containing a substance known as natural lipids and can act similar to a caffeine charge but without any of the negative effects , and using your increase of energy in turn can propel you to complete your work out and do the ground work for the muscle building process.

This is why it is no surprise alot of health clubs or gyms with cafes built in often serve juice or smoothies containing Acai Berry's.

The Acai Berry Colon Cleanse Diet

The acai berry and colon cleanse diet have both been a hot commodity to many dieters. The high antioxidant content in the acai gives you a boost of energy to the body and helps the body burn unnecessary fats. The colon cleanser removes hardened fecal matter and harmful bacteria.
Many celebrities have featured the acai berry on their programs. Oprah Winfrey and her Dr. Oz have both explained the attributes of the acai berry. The studies by the University of Florida has proven that treatment with the product for twenty four hours can suppress cancer cells. Rachael Ray on the Food Network has also used it as a healthy way to diet.

As the acai berry cleans the system of waste, the colon cleanser will flush the intestines for an effective method to keep losing weight. I have found a few product review sites that have provided genuine feedback comments which have reflected a positive relationship with their provider.
Colon cleansing can be done in many ways, although not every method is safe or as effective. The few methods that provide a safe and effective result are quite simple. A daily regiment of the colon cleanser supplement will produce surprising results. The colon contains the most waste throughout the whole body, pounds and pounds of it. This waste needs to be dealt with for a healthy body and mind.

Each of these products will provide surprising results in a matter of days. With both the acai berry and colon cleanse diets fantastic results are achievable

Many testimonials from customers are positive and provide important feedback. A few customers have taken both the acai berry colon cleanse diet to increase their weight loss potential.

With both the acai berry and colon cleanser working simultaneously the body could instantly shed pounds of pure waste that's been building up inside your body for years!

 Acai Tree - Source of the Acai berry

The Acai Berry is popular among people all around world and has replaced blue berry on the diet chart. It has become the number 1 superfood in the world after being known as wonder fruit with several beneficial properties. Everyone is opting for this diet fruit in large scale to extract all the health benefits present in it. There is a question which often arises in the mind of numerous people whether they can grow Acai Palm Trees at home and they also have curiously to know the points which need to be considered while planting an Acai Palm Trees at home.

Thing to consider when Planting An Acai Palm Tree At Home
· The palm tree grows on flood plains of the tropical Central & South America. It requires humid & swampy conditions in order to grow well.
· It is a tree not a shrub, so it is advisable to keep some patient as it takes at least an year or so to grow
· This tree requires lot of care and you must be committed for the same.
· This tree takes almost three years to yield an Acai fruit for the first time.
· While purchasing a plant to grow acai palm in your lawn, consider purchasing a plant that is already two years old.

· Remember that the height of acai palm tree can go up to 100 feet. So you cannot restrict this palm tree within your greenhouse. It needs an open space to grow and flourish.
· A three year old tree grows up to 5 - 6 feet. While you place the acai plant in a container, you must be prepared for its height as well. 1 Gallon container support about 3 feet tall tree. Likewise, 3 Gallon container supports about 5 feet tall tree.
· You must be well aware regarding the right temperature, circulation, proper ventilation of air and the watering system before planning to plant an acai palm tree in the garden within your residential premises.

· In case you reside in a freeze zone, make sure you build a foundation right below your frost line.
The berry grows on the Acai Tree. Enjoy wisely for fantastic health benefits.

"The Legend of Acai Berry"

Amazon folklore has long included the legend of how acai berry originated. The story begins long ago with an Amazonian girl named Iaca, daughter of the tribe’s chief, Itaki. The tribe’s food was very scarce, so Itaki ordered that all newborn children were to be sacrificed.

When Iaca bore a child, Itaki was sure that his orders were executed. Iaca mourned her baby’s death for several days and nights, until one night, lit brightly with a full moon, she heard the cries of a child. As she walked outside to find the crying babe, she discovered her daughter next to a glorious palm tree, adorned in dark purple fruit. She raced to the baby, and closely held her.

Very early the next morning, Iaca’s dead body was discovered holding the palm tree, dark eyes glaring towards the top. Itaki demanded that the fruit be harvested. This satisfied the tribe’s hunger, and gave them a renewal of energy. His unjust order to sacrifice newborn children was abolished, and he announced that the fruit from the tree would be named after his daughter (“acai” is “Iaca” backwards).

ACAI BERRY in media?

here's the video:

YouTube - Acai Berry News

Is ACAI BERRY safe for a person with hypertension?

Acai berry should not only be safe for people with Hypertension it is highly likely to help with it! That is a big statement but let me explain why this maybe so below. Of course if you are on any prescription med’s it may be wise to speak to your Doctor before taking any health supplements but having said that Acai is a naturally grown fruit not molested with by man or has chemicals applied to it, so therefore is just like eating grapes which will not affect any medications you are already on.

So how is it possible that Acai Berry could help reduce the symptoms of hypertension?

One of the main reasons that people suffer from hypertension is that the arteries become clogged up and making it harder for the heart to pump blood around the body. This then raises the pressure of the blood in the arteries as the hole that the blood flows through becomes smaller and smaller.

This blockage and hardening of the arteries main cause is the amount of toxic substances that our blood carries. The toxins will then attach themselves to the artery wall and build up over time.

Acai’s potent antioxidant’s have been shown to break up these toxins and allow our bodies to expel them in the normal way. By doing so it is possible that it would start to clear the arteries and open the artery allowing more blood to flow through it, hence reducing those effects that you are probably well aware of if you are reading this.

Acai Berry For Improved Eyesight

Acai berries are rich in flavonoids called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are very effective in fighting free radicals in the tiny blood vessels in the eyes, preventing retina disorders such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, and night blindness.

Acai berries can also help in improving night vision. This can be especially helpful for drivers who cannot see well in dim light and have difficulty recovering from glare from approaching car headlights.

Anthocyanins are so effective in improving eyesight that during World War II, bomber pilots of the British Royal Air Force would eat bilberry jam before dangerous night missions to improve their vision. In Japan and Korea, office workers are encouraged to buy vials of blueberry juice to help relieve eye strain from long hours of computer use. Acai berries, bilberries, and blueberries are all rich sources of anthocyanins.

Acai berries also contain anthocyanidins called Cyanidin 3-glycosides. These organic compounds stimulate the regeneration of rhodopsin, a pigment of the retina that enables vision in low-light conditions.

Purple fruits like acai and bilberries contain anthocyanosides which reduce inflammation and strengthen collagen. Collagen is the main protein in the tiny capillaries of the eye. Leaking capillaries impedes proper delivery of blood and oxygen to the eye, resulting in disease.

Acai berries can help slow down retinopathy – a common complication of diabetes that eventually leads to blindness. Almost 80% of all patients who have had diabetes for at least 10 years suffer from retinopathy.

Many acai users confirm improved eye focus after only three weeks of taking acai extracts, proof that enhanced visual acuity from acai berries is no old wives’ tale. For improved eyesight, why not give acai a try.

Read more:
[url=]Acai Berry For Improved Eyesight[/url]
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Acai Berry Pregnancy 10 Benefits

Pregnant mothers often take a variety of medicinal and herbal supplements to aid their body's nutrients, and ensure the health and well-being of the baby; pregnant mothers should consider an acai berry pregnancy supplement, as the berry has a great many positive benefits for both mother and child. Acai berry can also assist a mother in maintaining a healthy weight during pregnancy without affecting the health of the child.

Using acai berry pregnancy benefits
1. Improved blood circulation
2. Removal of toxins that can conflict with hormonal balance
3. Increased absorption of essential vitamins A, E, D, and K,
4. High amounts of fiber
5. 16 identified antioxidants and phytonutrient
6. 19 Amino Acids
7. ORAC ( Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity): identified as the highest scalable antioxidants value of any known berry on earth
8. Omega-9 and polyunsaturated omega-6 acids
9. High amounts of oleic acid, palmitic acid and lioleic acid vital to brain, joint and skin health.
10. Some what chocolaty taste!

It is a little known fact that one of the nutrients contained in the acai berry is folic acid. This substance is necessary to all pregnant women, and it therefore makes sense to add an acai berry pregnancy aid to the daily diet. Women hoping to use the fruit, considering an acai berry pregnancy supplement should read the label and make sure that any pills being taken are composed entirely of acai berry; other additional items may be added to colon cleansers, for example. However, with 100% acai berries, the mother can rest assured that should be no side affects and that consuming the acai berry will be beneficial to her and her baby.

Acai berry and pregnancy supplements
As well as these benefits, the acai berry pregnancy as a supplement has been shown to assist in easing cramps caused by pregnancy - the result of poor circulation; and also swelling in the ankles caused by weakened lymph systems. Unlike other pregnancy supplements, when taking acai berry, pregnancy complications such as poor circulation and lack of adequate nutrition are prevented. The acai berry is widely known to improve the circulation of blood around the body, and as this can be a problem for pregnant women, taking an acai berry pregnancy supplement can help to mitigate against one of the worst complications of pregnancy.

Pregnant mothers often worry about their appearance when expecting, and can sometimes feel that it is necessary to take supplements which encourage weight loss during pregnancy; while it is true that acai berries are often used as weight-loss supplements, caution should always be taken on this account, and a doctor or gynaecologist consulted before any weight-loss is attempted. Should the doctors be recommending weight-loss in early pregnancy (for example in women who already suffer obesity), then the acai berry pregnancy supplement is one of the most beneficial ways of trying this; it can both stimulate the metabolism to encourage the shedding of excess pounds, but it also provides the baby with additional nutrients that would otherwise be lost: acai berries and pregnancy are not mutually exclusive by any means.

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